Stack offsets topic

Stack offsets are typically not used directly, but are instead passed to stack.offset.


stackOffsetDiverging(List<List<List<num>>> series, List<int> order) → void Stack offsets Stacks
Positive values are stacked above zero, negative values are stacked below zero, and zero values are stacked at zero.
stackOffsetExpand(List<List<List<num>>> series, List<int> order) → void Stack offsets Stacks
Applies a zero baseline and normalizes the values for each point such that the topline is always one.
stackOffsetNone(List<List<List<num>>> series, List<int> order) → void Stack offsets Stacks
Applies a zero baseline.
stackOffsetSilhouette(List<List<List<num>>> series, List<int> order) → void Stack offsets Stacks
Shifts the baseline down such that the center of the streamgraph is always at zero.
stackOffsetWiggle(List<List<List<num>>> series, List<int> order) → void Stack offsets Stacks
Shifts the baseline so as to minimize the weighted wiggle of layers.


StackOffset = void Function(List<List<List<num>>>, List<int>) Stack offsets Stacks
The definition of a stack offset: given the generated series list and the order index list, it is then responsible for updating the lower and upper values in the series list.